The financial system that we live in today is allocated to us all through combining chunks of Land, Labor, and Capital. It should be fairly obvious that there are some issues with land (real estate bubble), Labor (high unemployment/out sourcing), and Capital (financial system meltdown).
As Dr. Phil would say: “How’s that workin’ for ya?”
There has been a flash of conversation centered around the idea of Social Capital as a form of currency in these two blog posts by Brian Solis and Venessa Miemis. I would like to use this post to expand those ideas to one of at least two more “Factors of Production”: Creative Capital, and Intellectual capital, in future blog posts.
Introducing the subject of Creative capital (more later, no doubt), here is a video from TED about the league of extraordinary dancers. Watch them move but also listen to how they talk about what they are doing. Skip through the 17 minutes if you must (you probably can’t!), just see how different they see the world.
If we expect to deliver an alternate social currency backed by innovation, we need to reflect deeply upon this specific factor of production. We need to think, observe, and interpret with the flexibility that “Creatives” have – if not, we need the humility to let them help us. Only then can we start connecting the dots.
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