The Ingenesist Project is developing a new class of business methods called The Value Game (TVG). When combined with Curiosumé, TVG forms a set of alternate economic incentives that may reward the preservation, renewal, and acquisition of shared assets, such as infrastructure and community.
Problem: Procurement/bidding competition is highly redundant, consumes a great deal of resources, and promotes variability.
For example: 5 contractors may spend $10K separately marketing, researching, and bidding on a project that only one will win. Further, each contractor may win only 1 out of 5 bids. The cost of these losses is ultimately wrapped into the total market cost of the industry. The Incentive to bypass is high.
Cost of bidding = A x B;
where A = cost of goods sold, and B = number of bidders
Adjudicated smart contract:
Consider a process where a project owner and 5 contractors, are all selected by qualifications to play The Value Game. Each one commits a $10K promissory note into a blockchain escrow account – this is what they would spend anyway for each bid attempt. A 3rd Party Engineering firm writes the “Statement of Work” for the project. This SOW serves as common research for all contractors submitting a bid.
The Value Game:
Whoever submits the winning bid will pay the engineering fees ($10K) to the 3rd-party who produced the report. Everyone else gets his or her note cancelled or converted to a cryptocurrency to be used in future TVGs. If the owner does not select, the owner then pays for the report and can use it to hold another Value Game in the future.
Cost of bidding = A / B;
where A = cost of goods sold, and B = number of bidders
Aligned Incentives
The Value Game realigns major incentives. As such, the projects benefit from:
- Improve matching of qualifications – those most qualified to perform a job will inherently produce a better price.
- Improve quality and seriousness of owners – owners will not wastefully exercise contractors and resolve unknowns prior to bid.
- Eliminates bidding redundancy – everyone bidding on the same package instead of duplicating research, advertising, sales.
- Reduces project variance – SOW migrates to contracts and downstream.
- Reduces marginal cost of additional bidders – electronic SOW can be projected over wider market area.
- More bidders can participate – New entrants can enjoy unbiased access to projects without retribution.
- Increases transparency – SOW, RFP, RFQ, contract award becomes part of public ledger.
- Reduces project costs – less volatility equals less risk. Fewer parts are duplicated between players.
- Insulates conflict of interest – 3rd Party adjudication insulates potential COI’s
- Corruption resistant – adjudication and public ledger creates transparency.
Bid Pool is a Value Game that reduces the cost of procurement while realigning incentives to reward high integrity rather than low integrity in the construction industry. Mined value is derived from front end COGS and the reduction of downstream project risks. All additional project milestones may also be extended from the initial TVG or adjudicated on it’s own TVG. These milestones may include contracts, work orders, exclusions, subs, insurance, financing, and change orders.
Finally, Curiosumé would generalize TVG to allow for “anonymity-until-point-of-transaction” (AUPOT) while decentralizing the knowledge assets deployed to a project.
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