The Next Economic Paradigm

Tag: alternate economy

Elevator Pitch – The Ingenesist Project

>door closes<

The Ingenesist Project designs and deploys a new class of business methods that will facilitate the production and trade of goods and services against the inevitable devaluation of the dollar.

The systems and methods developed by the Ingenesist Project can create new and tradable value from existing social infrastructure which would act as a hedge against inflation, austerity programs, and lost productive capacity due to high corporate unemployment.

Anyone looking for a hedge on the dollar is looking for The Ingenesist Project.

< door opens >

In case you are still interested

Ingenesist designs and executes a new class of business methods that creates new value by deploying a social game to real asset markets.

A Value Game begins and ends with money because that is the world we currently live in. However, new value is created within the game through the managed interaction of 3 or more communities that share an asset.

Current Milestones  

The Value Game was developed from a large-scale international comparative education research project from the NAFTA implementation era. Currently, Ingenesist deploys a Value Game to the aviation industry with a funded start-up called Social Flights.  In this platform; private aircraft are the shared asset and the operators, travelers, and economic development concerns represent the integral communities.

Ingenesist is currently designing a value game for the construction industry on a large remediation project for a high-rise condominium.  In this case, the condominium is the shared asset while the residents, the contractors, and the real estate market represent the integral communities.

Future Milestones

Ingenesist is currently looking to fund a web application with a working title of Zertify.  Zertify is a proprietary knowledge asset inventory method that will allow The Value Game to scale indefinitely and internationally.  As such, the requirement to convert back into money will no longer be necessary as the value created in one  game can be exchanged with value created in another game.

Expected Outcomes

If we are successful, a new currency will form; one that is backed by real assets and the real interaction of real communities whose best interest is to preserve real assets rather than consume them. will be followed by, and – which will securitize the new currency to achieve  capitalization.

Why is this important?

This will be very important because the inevitable global currency adjustments would not have a direct impact on a non-debt backed currency.  In fact, Ingenesist will hedge the dollar – as the dollar loses value, the new currency will increase in value.  It is likely that everyone reading this post has a vested interest in the outcome; literally and figuratively.

Why are we different?

Many start-ups just scale Facebook networks and call it a “social currency” for the purposes of  consumption marketing. Other application have formed the asset incorrectly in our opinion. Ingenesist actually produces real things that reflect the real priorities of real social interactions…and this is real serious business.


Daniel R. Robles PE, MBA
The Ingenesist Project, Founder/Director
Social Flights, Chief Innovation Officer

Skype: Ingenesist
Linkedin Profile

YouTube Channel: Ingenesist
Video: Sibos 2011
Video: The Value Game specs; Contact Directly (for actual) specs Contact Directly specs: Contact Directly

Speaking: The Future Of Money and Technology Summit 2012 April 23rd San Francisco
Attending: The Unmoney un-conference 2012; April 24th San Francisco

Ingenesist Blog
Social Flights Blog

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How Obama Will Save The World

Do the math – Interest on National Debt can go all the way up to infinity while Austerity measures can only go down to zero.   There is tragedy looming at both ends of the political spectrum and the Golden Goose can’t fly much longer.  Captain Obama is in a tough spot.

Someone will eventually need to gently lay the economy down in a nice soft spot with a just a few critical social programs intact. A task comparable to US Airways Pilot  Capt. Sullenberger who successfully landed his stalled airliner on the freezing Husdon without ripping off the wings, catching on fire, splitting the hull, or sinking the ship with all the passengers inside.

Here is how the endgame is shaping up:

Through some secret signal, all of the World’s money barons will come together and agree to simultaneously lop off three zeros (000) from all financial balance sheets.  This will effectively reboot the world economy.  A $50 trillion debt obligation now becomes a quaint and manageable $50 billion debt.  Unfortunately, a $500,000 dollar pension becomes worth about $500 bucks.   The game will reset with champaign toasts and business-as-usual in a race to conjure new debt into existence.  The recovery is on … for some.

Those who have exactly as much debt as they have tangible assets will enjoy a net zero impact.   Those caught at the extreme ends with too little debt or too much cash will lose spectacularly.

A stoic and sober Capt. Obama is at the controls, should we be worried?

Well, maybe. Just to give you an idea of what’s happening in the cockpit: Capt. Obama will project his glide path into the visible horizon.  If he can’t make it out to Hillary’s term, he will probably try to set it down right after he is re-elected and can still blame the GOP.  The GOP will try everything they can to wrestle it down before 2012 – split hull or not – so that they can claim the presidency.  If they win 2012 without the landing, they’ll land it soon after 2012 and blame it on Obama.  Note that none of this has anything to do with aerodynamics.

Why should this inspire anyone’s confidence?

There are a few people in the back seats working really hard to build a parachute that will hedge their fall.  None of the people near the cockpit, boardrooms, or stock exchanges have any idea what these passengers are doing – they don’t seem to care – instead, they are too busy topping off their debt to equity ratios for optimum survivability upon impact.

But, the hedge instrument is playing out in Social Media, slowly siphoning the factors of production into a new economic system. Some passengers are only inches away from jump-starting an alternate economy using a social currency backed by real productivity, not debt, in a new form of capitalism.  All they need is an instrument that is only a little better than what’s flying now.  Then, all the money in the world will convert to the hedge currency.

Now THAT’s monetization.

The guys near the cockpit will never see it coming – they’ll only see it leaving.  That’s how Obama will save the World. Let’s hope he can swim.

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