Eric Rosenblith 1920-2010
I have been putting off writing this blog post until I could find a simple answer to the question “What is an Ingenesist?”. I invented the term “Ingenesist” to capture the creative, intellectual and social nature of human ingenuity without falling back on current definitions and the silos that perpetuate them. Something has gone wrong with the world and the solution could not be found in the current world view – I needed a new word for my work.
Ingenesist comes from the Latin (ingeniare), French (ingénieur), and Spanish (ingeniero) word for Engineer. These words, of course, were created long before an engineer was defined by such alphabet soup as BSME. MSCE, IEEE, ABET, NCEES, EIT, PE, etc… The term ‘Ingenesist’ was meant to represent people whose ideas and actions increase the productivity of other people.
A friend of mine lost his dad yesterday. I read the obituary and could not help but realize that this person lived through what were likely the darkest and the brightest hours of modern human civilization. He was an artist and a teacher.
Then I hit the quote in Mr. Rosenblith’s obituary:
“We truly need to be thinkers, poets, painters, engineers, and philosophers.’’ – Eric Rosenblith
And that is how I found my simple answer. With humility and simplicity, he captured the creative, intellectual and social nature of human ingenuity. The least I could do was finally write this blog post.
My sincere condolences to Alan and his family. Please support the Symbionomics Project on Kickstarter