The Next Economic Paradigm

Tag: leadership

Lead By Getting Out Of The Way

By giving people power and observing what they do with it, a leader can learn a great deal about available opportunities.  The problem is in getting out of their way, and consequently, getting out of your own way.

Human capital refers to the set of skills and knowledge that can produce an economic value.  Everyone has distinct combinations of social capital, creative capital, and intellectual capital, which they deploy uniquely. The entrepreneurial spirit in indomitable.

Likewise, the education, experience, and abilities that people deploy to their communities, employers, social organizations, and for the economy as a whole, are hugely valuable; unless you try to contain them – then they become volatile.  So, no matter how proud you are of your own accomplishments, it’s probably not a good idea to get in the way of others’.

As we build out the Travel Tribe Leader functionality, we do not attempt to model the community leader after ourselves or any archetype, instead, we seek to model Social Flights around the human capital of the community that the leader represents.

Then, Lead by Observing

As we develop Social Flights, we listen to a great diversity of ideas from our extraordinary Board of Advisors.   The hardest part for some of us on the executive management team is to stay out of the way as these brilliant people tear away at our own creations, preconceptions, biases, and even our hopes and fears for the outcome of our work.  This is not easy to watch yourself getting in you own way.

We give our advisory board the power to criticize us.  We give them the power to change us.  We give them the power to hurt us and we give them the power to make us better.  We watch, and we learn and we are grateful to them because we will give that power to travel tribes.  This set’s up a very powerful incentive to play The Value Game.

A Game of Derivatives

On of the biggest complaints of the gamefication movement is that people will always figure out how to game the game.  by contrast, at social Flights, we intend for the players to game the game.  This is the fundamental backdrop of The Value Game. – it’s a game of derivatives not unlike many types of financial derivatives, except in an alternate currency.

This does not mean that we’ll fly blind and vulnerable.  It means that the value of Social Flights will be a direct reflection of the value that people create in communities organizing themselves around Social Flights.  This is a different type of business method and a stark contrast to the way that market capitalism holds people in boxes, surveys their private information, and places roadblock in their path trying to influence there every turn.

Try that with your battleship.

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My Christmas Gift

This year, I send my Christmas greetings from Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico.

Besides seeing all of my wonderful in-laws and cousins, I had the opportunity to meet with a couple of my students from many years ago.  They are now entrepreneurs, business owners, and influential leaders in the complex web of Mexican and International society.

I knew them when they were just kids struggling through engineering school – I saw them as gems in the rough, now I get to marvel at the diamonds.  Wow, what an incredible experience.   Of course, they can’t see how I view them nor can I see how they view me.  One thing is certain, these are very special relationships.  I managed to hold back tears of joy.

The trust is instantaneous and profound.  We hang on each other’s words as incalculable truths pour from our experiences.  We cite each other’s nuances and we recall quotes long ago lost.  I remember the extraordinary challenges of getting 250 of them through the US Engineering Board exams.  We spoke of the early days of NAFTA and the oppression of the Maquiladora Industry.  We spoke with the wisdom that we wished we had 17 long years ago.

I wonder what happened to the others.  I know a few that have also become quite successful.  The only thing I gave them was proof that they were equal in every way to any engineer on earth.  As such, they managed their careers with that single data point lodged in the back of their mind.  Now they are proving to me what I had only suspected then.

In return, they gave me everything that I am thankful for today as I celebrate Christmas with my wonderful family.  I met my wife while working with these kids.  I found my own ethnic identity working with these kids.  I learned Spanish working with these kids.  I earned the wisdom to represent a fortune 100 company around the World after working with my kids. In fact, my blog and all supporting research is a direct result of a flaw I observed in market capitalism while working with my kids and their interaction with NAFTA. The courage to leave corporate life and take a leadership role in an hugely disruptive start-up company is a direct result of working with these kids.

These kids (men and woman) are among the greatest gift I could have ever imagined receiving.  My advice to others is to always have students.  Always teach people what you know.  Always elevate others and you will find yourself elevated to astonishing heights. Be a student and provide this joy to those who wish share themselves deeply with you.  This is where true happiness is found.  This is the gift that Christmas celebrates – be a teacher

Merry Christmas.

Please Support The Symbionomics Project on Kickstarter

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Why Are Leaders Failing?

People look for leaders that inspire them to achieve innovative breakthroughs. People trust, or so we think, CEO’s to effectively lead their organizations so that employees can continue to get paid.

The confidence in leadership is waning and a new “leadership” is emerging. The new leadership is from and by the people. The reason for a shift in leadership is as follows:

1. Politicians have failed us with self interest and politics as usual. Usual no longer works for the people

2. CEO’s and management have failed to listen to the markets of conversations

3. Greed is out, efficiency is in and the old market is not adapt at “lean, mean and fast”

4. The people has lost trust in media, politicians and old management schemes

5. Advertising and marketing methods of the past are dead. 96% of the online ads get no responses. A rate of 3% at best is the return on direct mail, coupons and broadcast ads.

6. The market is no longer listening to the old market rather the market is listening to the people

7. People have been empowered and engaged to create their own markets and they follow a new kind of market leader. A leader who enables them to learn, grow and share with others whom have an affinity to their interest and beliefs.

8. New leaders are now  conversing with their own audience and there are many of them.  There are also a few leaders who are enabling many to engage, converse and build our own audience.

9. Conversations have never been so fluid, so reaching and so powerful.  The irony is that the power of speech has always been and will always be disruptive. History proves it so but we are in an era of making history that reinvents itself daily from the conversations.

10. Old leaders either adapt very quickly or die. The old game is over and the longer you try and play it the more it will cost the market, your investors and the people whom supply the market with commerce, the people.

Admit It, You are Out of Touch And Blinded By The Past

For politicians and corporate leaders the downfall of your empires is directly related to markets changing and you denying the change. If you haven’t noticed markets are now transparent. There is nothing you do that the market won’t notice and freely comment on, good, bad and indifferent. When you do good the market with follow you. When you do bad or do the same thing the market will leave you. Unless you recognize this shift your dead in the water.

Time is your enemy and denial is your your deathbed.  Being dead in the water means the next wave will topple your boat because its force is too big, too large and you can’t move fast enough to navigate around or over it.

Then again you may simply not have time or attention to even recognize that it just may be true and real.  In that case, move over for the new leader to replace you sooner than later.  Leaders are failing because they fail to change and fail to listen. Sorry for being so frank but I don’t have time to be politically correct. Get it?

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Follow The Leader

Two Types of Leaders

There are two types of Leaders in the World.  The first type elevates themselves by standing on the shoulders of others.  The second type elevates themselves by elevating the people around them.

The first type of leader gets ahead much faster but often produces unsustainable conditions.  The second type takes much longer to get ahead, but creates a solid foundation for much greater growth and benefit to the community.

Follow the speculator

This is often the difference between the entrepreneur and the speculator.  The entrepreneur will scour the earth looking for resources to elevate from a low level of productivity to a higher level of productivity.  The speculator simply looks for volatility and instability so that they can place bets for or against the success of the entrepreneurs.

Social media aggregation services and search engines are very good at analyzing followers and using the quantity of followers as a proxy for leadership.  They are not, however, very good at identifying leaders any more than they can identify empathy, kindness, and courage.

Leaders follow leaders….

The next paradigm of economic development will be an innovation economy characterized by social aggregation and search devices that identify both types of leaders in a community. Once visible, an entrepreneurial community, by definition, will reject the first type of leader and elevate the second type to a level of higher productivity.

…not followers

The Ingenesist Project specifies the structure of an innovation economy where human knowledge is tangible outside the construct of the Wall Street.  All of the functions of a corporation can soon be duplicated in social networks enabled by social media.  We are very close to this day.  One of the critical evolutionary steps will be to identify and segregate the leaders from the speculators. This simply cannot be accomplished if preoccupied with watching followers.

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