
Unemployment tops 10%.  Add in the under-employed, part timers, young adults trying to enter the job market, the ones who have given up or otherwise marginalized, and we’re well into the 15-20% range.

Mediated Reality:

When will people come to the realization that a new financial system is needed to represent the new social order?  When will people realize that they have in their possession the most important tool ever devised by humanity for the benefit of humanity?  When will they shut off the TV and reject the barrage of mediated reality that blinds them with propaganda at every turn?

What’s in it for me?

When will people realize that they have all of the same information at their immediate disposal as their oppressors?  When will people realize that they are more powerful than any corporation or government? When will people realize that they have the power to build a financial system that can far exceed the magnificence of the national debt, simply by serving their own selfish best-interest rather than the State of Wall Street?

The Wizard of Oz…

When will people realize that it is in the best interest of the oppressor to keep them poor weak and disorganized?  When will people realize that their next door neighbor knows more about economic development than their financial system?  When will they realize that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, holding communities back from extraordinary wealth creation except the right plan?  When will they realize that no corporation or government can deliver such a plan?

…and other fictitions

When will people realize that a corporation is nothing but a double spaced legal document sitting in a file cabinet somewhere?  When will they admit that the corporation is a fictional character with big ears dancing within a “legal structure” that can hire you, fire you, and make you pay taxes?  When will people realize that “the corporation” is simply a collection of good people bound to a social agreement?:   That which is in the best interest of the corporation is ultimately in the best interest of the individual – even if that means 10% of their comrades must be sent to the Gulag.

The anatomy of production

When will people figure out that almost every function of a corporation can almost be accomplished on a platform of social media?    When will people realize how close they are to controlling an alternate financial system solid enough to rival Wall Street?  When will they notice how organized their oppressors are?  When will they notice how disorganized they are?  When will they notice that the power of Social Media to organize communities is astonishing?  When will they realize that conversation is a currency?

When will people realize that they are the Capitalists and their oppressors are the Socialists?

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