The Next Economic Paradigm

Search results: "The Value Game" Page 3 of 8

Is The Patent System Relevant?

  *** I was recently interviewed by Dr. Amy Vanderbilt for the TrendPOV show.  The question was “Is The Patent System Relevant”.  The directness of the question is interesting; where the null hypothesis is that the Patent System is irrelevant.  Second; it is interesting that she would interview me! After all, I own no successful […]

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The Currency Hack

Corporations and government can continue activities to the degree that they produce socially redeeming value by simply purchasing innovation bonds from the people with their dollars – if they’ll accept them.

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The Institution Hack

But when we combine CRM + SRM + VRM we get Community Relationship Management (CoRM). In essence CoRM is a Value Game. Where customers, vendors, and suppliers all acting in the best interest of their constituents are in fact acting in their own best interest. Cheating gets you thrown out of the game. The combined analytics provide extensive data to the next hack called Exoquant.

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The Accounting System Hack

Students and teachers do not compete with each other and therefore intermediate levels represent various degrees of collaboration, not competition. The teacher bias represents supply of knowledge and student bias represents the demand for knowledge, this establishes a trade vector in our proto economy.

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Hacking the Financial System

Hacking The Financial System is not about some doomsday scenario for the end times, it represents the natural ability for humans to adapt to constraints in their environment.  Right now, the financial system is vulnerable to many new systems and technologies that are reorganizing society. This series hopes to describe the meta dynamics behind these […]

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How To Overhaul GDP

When we talk about the New Value Movement, we are trying to specify a new class of business methods that can literally “manufacture” the things that people actually need without any distinction between tangible and intangible. People need a game that they can win playing by the same set of rules. People need food as much as the need love – there is no walled garden of human needs, except the planet we share.

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Gyroscopic Effects And The Tangibility of Intangibles

Of course, the corporation will not disappear any more than industrial revolution eliminated the agrarians. However, you can bet that the differences will be just as profound.

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Growth Beats Austerity 100 to 1

By making so called “intangibles” tangible, vast amounts of New Value can be added to global accounts balances which could stave off wholesale collapse of the financial system. This will not be without hardship for someone; social priorities must drive Wall Street priorities, not the other way around.

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The Reality Platform

Today, we do not have a financial problem as much as we have a value problem. Whatever happens next, it must start with a Reality Platform.

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Elevator Pitch – The Ingenesist Project

This will be very important because the inevitable global currency adjustments would not have a direct impact on a non-debt backed currency. In fact, Ingenesist will hedge the dollar. It is likely that everyone reading this post has a vested interest in the outcome; literally and figuratively.

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A Radical Twist on Crowd Computing

Imagine this, if the organizations at Innotribe were to integrate to create a new economy that is only slightly more efficient the old system, they may become the mother of all hedge funds. Remember the dictator caught without social currency? At least half the money in the world will convert, capitalize, and securitize in social currency. We may not be that far off from that day.

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Video Series

The following video series provides specification of Social Capitalism as a modern social system distinct from Market Capitalism. Social Media As a Corporate Structure (2:20) Predictions 2020 (3:44) Last Mile of Social Media (1:19) The Value Game (12:17) Definition of Innovation: (2:58) Algorithm For The Monetization of Social Capital (5:36) Tangible Knowledge; The Holy Grail […]

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Imagine that all money suddenly disappeared…

The world is faced with a financial crisis, not a value crisis.   The problem is that social value is invisible to the financial system. Suppose this flaw in Market Capitalism that could be easily corrected with a relatively simple game.  The Value Game simply rearranges the pieces in the value creation process so that […]

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The Art and Science of Social Sudoku

With that, I invite our readers to try and imagine what skill set would be the starting condition for an iterative process of finding hundreds of entrepreneurial community leaders that can solve this puzzle. I am leaning more and more toward the Gaming community on sites like to find this skill set. Any thought?

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Are We Hard Wired?

Social Flights is attempting to do something that has never been accomplished in social media with such high value shared assets. We seek to answer the question: Can people organize themselves around the concept of “Value” much like we have organized ourselves around the concept of “Money”.

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Lead By Getting Out Of The Way

As we develop Social Flights, we listen to a great diversity of ideas from our extraordinary Board of Advisors. The hardest part for some of us on the executive management team is to stay out of the way as these brilliant people tear away at our own creations, preconceptions, biases, and even our hopes and fears for the outcome of our work. This is not easy to watch yourself getting in you own way.

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Collaborative Consumption Is Here To Stay

Collaborative consumption is here to stay because it represents a higher value economy than forest-to-dump consumerism. The financial deficit is simply the inadequacy of Money to articulate Social Value.

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The Mashup of Gamification and Collaborative Consumption

Predictably, in the end Gamification amounts to little more than feeding the advertiser’s insatiable addiction to that extra dose of personal data coursing through the veins of unbridled consumption capitalism

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Can Communities Curate Themselves?

What if people could sort themselves into the right collection already curated for their destination? They could then be transported directly without the massive infrastructure of sorting hubs, stations, interstate highways, and rental cars. Social media applications are tremendously powerful tools that are only now becoming sophisticated enough for people to sort and curate themselves.

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Crowdsourcing The Brokerage House

Social Flights creates a valuable and unique form of business intelligence defining how much value, in dollars, that people place on their time. This results in a conversion factor between social currency and financial currency – something that has never been achieved before.

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May The Best Currency Win

What do you think every dictator wishes that they had more of right now: guns, money, or social currency?

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When Everyone has a Coupon, They Will Innovate

Coupled with social media, a coupon can be leveraged to influence the behavior of whole communities in extraordinary ways. The ability to manipulate coupon values is tantamount to the ability to manipulate the value of money itself.

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Ideas Travel Where People Travel

Travel technologies and applications are being sold for incredible sums of money. Every airline merger is big news and every geolocation application is huge business. Travel data is a lightening rod for everything from pricing to privacy. Airline Travel is still the most favored mode political disruption – the bad guys don’t even need to get on the plane anymore to disrupt an entire nation.

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Fungible Coupons And Collaborative Production

By limiting the number of coupons precisely to the amount of inventory that is subject to liquidation, the coupon becomes a fungible instrument. If the supply is limited, then people will trade the coupon value

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Groupon: 93% Off Sugar Calories

Instead of empowering people to pursue what they are most talented, passionate, and interested in, Groupon seeks to modify human behavior to adapt to the availability of surplus inventory dumped into the desperation market.

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