The Next Economic Paradigm

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Social Currency Derivatives Trading

It is not surprising that social currency will become a hedge instrument for financial currency in markets. After all, nothing economic can happen until people get together to build something. Nothing of any significance can be built unless people exchange social currency.

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Zertified Knowledge Assets

our “risk based” capital structure accounts only for the observed randomness of individual human nature rather than trying to securitize the potentially infinite wisdom of crowds. This is a problem, this is our very serious problem.

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Specifications for Social Capitalism:

The Ingenesist Project is dedicated to the development of an alternate economy built on a platform of Social Media. The following video series provides specification of Social Capitalism as a modern social system distinct from Market Capitalism.

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Social Stock Exchange

All coupons from all vendors can go into an exchange pool much like a Bond Market rated on a “social value score” and trading at a par value dependent on market forces. The difference is that Value would now be allocated according to social priority rather than Wall Street priority.

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The Future of Social Currency

The Branded Debit card has long been a staple of the vanity financial services industry.  Having your favorite football team, alma mater, or non-profit proudly displayed upon your purchasing prowess is a clever offshoot of those printed checks of days gone by.  Now, in the age of social media, YOU are the brand. Your product […]

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The Social Credit Score

a new type of search engine must be developed that can process the knowledge inventory and statistically match most worthy surplus of knowledge asset with most worthy deficit of knowledge asset given a set of business objectives. Then and only then can holistic transactions take place which can redefine human economics in social currencies, i.e., where knowledge really is an asset.

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We Got It Backwards

Technological Change must always precede economic growth. We are going about the process of globalization as if economic growth can precede technological change.

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Specifications for Social Capitalism:

The following video series provides specification of Social Capitalism as a modern social system distinct from Market Capitalism. Social Media As a Corporate Structure (2:20) Predictions 2020 (3:44) Last Mile of Social Media (1:19) The Value Game (12:17) Definition of Innovation: (2:58) Algorithm For The Monetization of Social Capital (5:36) Tangible Knowledge; The Holy Grail […]

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The Ingenesist Project: Overview

1. Company Description and Industry: 2. Problem Being Solved: 3. Solution Provided: Market Analysis 1. Competitive Landscape: 2. Industry Insights: Please contact for additional inquiry: 1. Team Background: Founders and key team members, and what is their relevant experience? 2. Validation of Concept: How has the concept been tested in the wild and received by […]

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Making Money

The Ingenesist Project: Making Money Nobel Economist Robert Solow calculated that 80% of economic growth is the result of advances in technology. This Makes sense. Technology makes us more productive. However, GDP measures the products, not the producers. Engineers, Scientists, and Technologists are responsible for ideation, design, and implementation of new and improved technology. Unfortunately, […]

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An Invisible Economy

An Invisible Economy: The Ingenesist Project A firefighter is worth millions of dollars per hour preserving lives and property…  but only when there is a fire. A Fire Protection Engineer can design thousands of buildings that will never burn. In the absence of a fire, the true value of the Scientists, Engineers, and Technologists is invisible. But […]

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How It Works

How It Works; The Ingenesist Project The Ingenesist Project Uses Game Theory, Blockchain, and Artificial Intelligence to convert intangible assets to a more tangible form. Part One: Observe The game is based on a system of claims and validations among a population of players.  Part Two: Measure Blockchain acts like a giant datalogger that captures […]

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Network Effects

Network Effects: The Ingenesist Project To borrow from a famous quote:  “Uber, owns no vehicles… Google and Facebook create no content… Alibaba holds no inventory… Airbnb owns no real estate….” But they have a combined value of almost 3 Trillion dollars. This is very interesting. Whereas most companies are priced according to strict financial performance, […]

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The Innovation Standard

The Innovation Standard: The Ingenesist Project Solving the problems of the future will require humans to innovate at an astonishing rate… … far greater than anything our existing economic system can support. In order to achieve this, there must be a fundamental shift in how knowledge assets are measured, curated, and exchanged. Today, a traditional […]

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The Law of Nurture

Competition is one way of arriving at the optimal solution to a problem. Some call it the “Law of Nature”, survival of the fittest – where the  final score can only be One to Zero. Unfortunately, in order to feed the winner, we must cultivate suitable losers.  Evolution is slow and inefficient as a business […]

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About The Ingenesist Project

Dear STEAM Professionals: Dear STEAM Professionals We are entering the Golden Age of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics.  AI will deliver unimaginable efficiency and breakthroughs in the Createch Domains. However, beneath the hype, there is the stern warning to “keep the humans in the loop”. The perils of misappropriated STEAM is our problem to […]

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The Tip of the Iceberg

The Invisible Economy: Nobel Laureate Dr. Robert Solow calculated that 80% of economic growth can be attributed to technological change. This is the domain of engineers, scientists, and technologists. Accordingly, knowledge assets and their derivatives are not actually “intangible” but rather, they are simply invisible and unable to be measured directly. Like the proverbial “tip […]

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An Accounting System for Knowledge Assets

AI Generated Image Summary: Classical economics is built upon a scarcity model of supply and demand of physical assets. In the trade of knowledge assets, the transfer of knowledge to one party does not require the cessation of knowledge by the other. As a result, it is estimated that 80% of a modern economy is […]

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Mitigating Global Systemic Risk

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay The State of The World The world is facing increasingly systemic challenges that pose significant threats to the global economy. The risk of a catastrophic event in one part of the world triggering widespread instability or collapse is now more imminent than ever. This isn’t merely a political issue; […]

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Using AI to Discern Fact from Fiction

AI Generated Image Artificial Intelligence (AI) is frequently mentioned for its capacity to blur the lines between facts and fiction. Numerous articles envision a future in which AI bots construct believable scenarios without relying on direct observation. Many instances illustrate the potential pitfalls of this. So, if AI can excel at finding the best incorrect […]

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The Innovation Bank: Decentralization of the Engineering and STEM Professions

1.0 Abstract The Innovation Bank is a novel method of business related to the integration and capitalization of knowledge assets. The Innovation Bank is an application of game theory, actuarial math and a simple native “proof-of-stake” blockchain. The system aims to unify the global engineering and scientific disciplines by incentivizing individual practitioners to form knowledge […]

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The Innovation Bank: Decentralizing the Engineering and STEM Professions

ABSTRACT: The Innovation Bank is a novel method of business related to the integration and capitalization of knowledge assets. The Innovation Bank is an application of game theory, actuarial math and a simple native “proof-of-stake” blockchain. The system aims to unify the global engineering and scientific disciplines by incentivizing individual practitioners to form knowledge asset […]

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An Imperceptible Flaw

The World is grasping for an “Easy Pill” to combat global systemic risk. What if such a thing actually existed, would we embrace it? Imagine if there was a small and almost imperceptible flaw in modern capitalism that could be easily rectified. This single flaw might be the root cause of all the other problems […]

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So, What’s The Deal With FedCoin?

Federal Reserve Announces Digital Currency This week brought the announcement that the Federal Reserve will study the possibility of issuing a digital currency. If the government builds it correctly, the result could be the greatest advancement in human civilization since the invention of the wheel. If the government builds it incorrectly, they may just validate […]

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What Is An Innovation Bank?

What is an Innovation Bank? At first blush, an Innovation Bank sounds like a place where innovators can make money for developing their ideas. Sort of like venture capital.  But if we drill down a little further and look at how a traditional bank actually functions, we find a far more interesting opportunity. People go […]

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